T4G - Teatro 4Garoupas

The company

 T4G , Teatro 4Garoupas founded in the Nineties by Brazilian actress and director Bebê de Soares and the in Berlin living, Austrian born director and dramaturg Arno Kleinofen presents a concept for young audiences, that doesn’t make any concessions on well-known formulas of the children – and youth theatre conventions, instead trying to push the boundaries of what it means to produce children- youth theater nowadays and international context.

We consider our engagement a task that possibly means having to step on unknown, sometimes treachery grounds in our artistic life. Together with today’s youth, we face a challenge: to create a new vivid vision of a world which can help us to find orientation in times where values have an expiration date.

T4Gs looks for this vision, investigating the fundaments of our emotional existence. We are furthermore convinced of the innovative qualities of a theatre that relies on the direct encounter between - earthlings.



In the past Teatro 4Garoupas realized a variety of play for children- and youth and has in Koeln and Sao Paulo. As an independent company T4G works with a changing company, performing on different venues in Germany and Brazil, such as Comedia Theater, Cologne, Schauspielhaus Köln, Junges Schauspiel Düsseldorf, FFT Düsseldorf, FAAP, Sao Paulo, Armazem de Teatro, Sao Paulo, and a variety of festivals in Germany and abroad: Kölner Kinder- und Jugendtheaterfestival, Maulhelden, Starke Stücke, Theaterzwang.





Productions and Summarys

Heleen Verburg: Papais e Ovos: The story of a pair of penguins, falling in love and their family planning, that doesn’t work out. The sentimental and lyrics obsessed mate doesn´t compete with the self-consciousness of the female penguin, having her own imaginations as education and family life is concerned. The unborn penguin is given a voice, considering the variety of possible existences and deciding against a life as penguin.


Suzanne van Lohuizen: O Pequeno: (Wer hat meinen kleinen Jungen gesehen?) Kamil and Lunter, are lamenting, longing and quarreling about their little son´s life, sometimes not even convinced he does exist. Their imagination and desperation are filling in their daily conversations and every day worries and defining their relationship towards each other. Our Beckett for children.

Guy Krneta: Ursel: 6 year old Ursel is fighting against the specter of her 3 year old brother, who fell out of a window and died. Since then her parents don´t even recognize their daughter Ursel any more, she is fighting for her self-consciousness and to having her own life. With humor and cleverness she succeeds in bringing her parents back to presence.


Tim Etchells (Campo): That Night follows Day – Dass die Nacht dem Tag folgt: 16 kids are building a choir: performing the paradoxes and ambiguities of parental advices, pedagogical exercises, world-visions and declaration about how the world runs and why things are how the are. (Nominated for the Koelner Theaterpreis, selected to the Festival Maulhelden)



Bebe de Soares

T: +49 177 2985922
