Memory Wax is a dance company that produces dance art with a strong visual expression for children, young people and adults. Our ambition is to draw attention to dance as an art form and promote its role in society.


In our artistry, we examine the complexity of our feelings and the different relationships between people. Over the years, we have received a lot of attention for our distinctiveness and our unique, evocative expression. Our movement language is stripped down, characterized by humanism and curiosity to investigate and portray existential and philosophical questions through dance. With an undertone of humor and with love for the simple, we want to create magic out of the everyday.




We constantly strive to develop opportunities to meet the audience and broaden interest in modern dance. Our goal is to bring dance closer to people and let more people experience the magic, creativity and possibilities that free expression creates.


To reach a broad audience, we create meetings via workshops, outdoor festivals and international cultural exchanges.


The dance company Memory Wax is based in Malmö and was founded in 2004 by Miguel Azcue and Johanna Jonasson. 



Memory Wax is supported yearly by the Swedish Arts Council, Region Skåne and the City of Malmö





Age: 8+

Duration: 50min

Audience Size: up to 300


PLAYGROUND brings up the importance of playing in all life
stages, inviting us to value the moment and the space we
inhabit openly and playfully, relating and appreciating
everything and everyone around us.
The work emphasizes the beauty and spirituality of the simple
things. It is inspired by the spirit of resilience, humor,
enjoyment, and solidarity that transcends shortcomings and
difficulties. It gives new life to the old, the broken, and the
forgotten, impregnating it with imagination, ingenuity, joy, and
A life-affirming dance performance that explores group
dynamics and communication. What roles do we take on in our
interactions with others? What happens when the roles change
and when does the play become serious?
PLAYGROUND is the fourth co-production between Memory
Wax and the Cuban dance company Danza Teatro Retazos
and with it, Memory Wax celebrates its 20th anniversary.